Neandertal Seq Feld1 Sequence Track Settings
Feld1 Sequence Reads

This track is a subtrack of the composite container track "Neandertal Seq".
Click here to display the "Neandertal Seq" container configuration page.

Display mode:      Duplicate track   

Display read names
Minimum alignment quality:

Color track by bases: Help on base coloring

Alignment Gap/Insertion Display Options Help on display options
Draw double horizontal lines when both genome and query have an insertion
Draw a vertical purple line for an insertion at the beginning or end of the
query, orange for insertion in the middle of the query
Draw a vertical green line where query has a polyA tail insertion

Additional coloring modes:
Color by strand (blue for +, red for -)
Use gray for
No additional coloring

Display data as a density graph:

BAM configuration help

Data schema/format description and download
Assembly: Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2010-12-16