Schema for EPDnew Promoters - Promoters from EPDnew
  Database: mm10    Primary Table: epdNewPromoterNonCoding Data last updated: 2019-08-27
Big Bed File Download: /gbdb/mm10/bbi/
Item Count: 3,077
The data is stored in the binary BigBed format.

Format description: Browser Extensible Data
chromchr1Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold
chromStart130462527Start position in chromosome
chromEnd130462587End position in chromosome
nameGm16083_1Name of item.
score900Score (0-1000)
strand++ or - for strand
thickStart130462576Start of where display should be thick (start codon)
thickEnd130462587End of where display should be thick (stop codon)

Sample Rows

EPDnew Promoters (epdNew) Track Description


These tracks represent the experimentally validated promoters generated by the Eukaryotic Promoter Database.

Display Conventions and Configuration

Each item in the track is a representation of the promoter sequence identified by EPD. The "thin" part of the element represents the 49 bp upstream of the annotated transcription start site (TSS) whereas the "thick" part represents the TSS plus 10 bp downstream. The relative position of the thick and thin parts define the orientation of the promoter.

Note that the EPD team has created a public track hub containing promoter and supporting annotations for human, mouse, and other vertebrate and model organism genomes.


Briefly, gene transcript coordinates were obtained from multiple sources (HGNC, GENCODE, Ensembl, RefSeq) and validated using data from CAGE and RAMPAGE experimental studies obtained from FANTOM 5, UCSC, and ENCODE. Peak calling, clustering and filtering based on relative expression were applied to identify the most expressed promoters and those present in the largest number of samples.

For the methodology and principles used by EPD to predict TSSs, refer to Dreos et al. (2013) in the References section below. A more detailed description of how this data was generated can be found at the following links:


Data was generated by the EPD team at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. For inquiries, contact the EPD team using this on-line form or email philipp. bucher@epfl. ch .


Dreos R, Ambrosini G, Perier RC, Bucher P. EPD and EPDnew, high-quality promoter resources in the next-generation sequencing era. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan 1;41(D1):D157-64. PMID: 23193273.