Schema for GIS DNA PET - ENCODE Genome Institute of Singapore DNA Paired-End Ditags
  Database: hg19    Primary Table: wgEncodeGisDnaPetGm12878F1kAln
BAM File: /gbdb/hg19/bbi/wgEncodeGisDnaPetGm12878F1kAln.bam
Format description: The fields of a SAM short read alignment, the text version of BAM.
See the SAM Format Specification for more details
qNameQuery template name - name of a read
flagFlags. 0x10 set for reverse complement. See SAM docs for others.
rNameReference sequence name (often a chromosome)
pos1 based position
mapQMapping quality 0-255, 255 is best
cigarCIGAR encoded alignment string.
rNextRef sequence for next (mate) read. '=' if same as rName, '*' if no mate
pNextPosition (1-based) of next (mate) sequence. May be -1 or 0 if no mate
tLenSize of DNA template for mated pairs. -size for one of mate pairs
seqQuery template sequence
qualASCII of Phred-scaled base QUALity+33. Just '*' if no quality scores
tagTypeValsTab-delimited list of tag:type:value optional extra fields

Sample Rows
756_592_1217131chr11015925525M=112301096ACCCTAACCCTAACCCTAACCTAAC*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:G2100230100230100230102301 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:22C1T
748_519_641131chr11023825525M=10963750CCCTAACCCTAAACCCTAAACCCTA*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:G3002301002300100230010023 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:10GTTGGGATTTGG1GC
889_688_120115chr11031125525M=11253967ACCCCAACCCCAACCCTAACCCCTA*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:T0320001032001010001030001 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:25
760_1508_1139115chr11044525525M=11191771AACCCTAACCCTAACCCTCACCCTC*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:T1220011220010320010320010 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:18A6
902_56_951115chr11045125525M=11376950AACCCTAACCCTAACCCTCGCGGTA*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:T0310333220310320010320010 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:25
574_1530_1872131chr11046225525M=11335898TAACCCTCGCGGTACCCTCAGCCGG*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:G1301002233301310022123030 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:15TTCTGATGAA
368_675_1975131chr11051025525M=11425940AGGAGAACTGTGCTCCGCCTTCAGA*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:G2202220121113220330202122 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:17AGAAGTCT
1035_1549_1902131chr11051325525M=115101022AGAACTGTGCTCCGCCTTCAGAGTA*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:G2220121113220330202122213 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:22CAT
1096_902_709131chr11051325525M=115101022AGAACTGTGCTCCGCCTTCAGAGTA*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:G2220121113220330202122213 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:5G19
886_1767_1914115chr11051425525M=115251036GAACTGTGCTCCGCCTTCAGAGTAC*RG:Z:S1 CS:Z:T1131222120203302231112102 CQ:Z:* MD:Z:TCCAC20

GIS DNA PET (wgEncodeGisDnaPet) Track Description


This track is produced as part of the ENCODE Transcriptome Project. It shows the starts and ends of DNA fragments from different cell lines determined by paired-end ditag (PET) sequencing using different DNA fragment sizes for analysis of genome structural variation.

Display Conventions and Configuration

In the graphical display, the ends are represented by blocks connected by a horizontal line. In full and packed display modes, the arrowheads on the horizontal line represent the strand, and an ID of the format XXXXX-N-M is shown to the left of each PET, where X is the unique ID for each PET, N indicates the number of mapping locations in the genome (1 for a single mapping location, 2 for two mapping locations, and so forth), and M is the number of PET sequences at this location. PETs that mapped to multiple locations may represent low complexity or repetitive sequences.

To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide.

The query sequences in the SAM/BAM alignment representation are normalized to the + strand of the reference genome (see the SAM Format Specification for more information on the SAM/BAM file format). If a query sequence was originally the reverse of what has been stored and aligned, it will have the following flag:

(0x10) Read is on '-' strand.

BAM/SAM alignment representations also have tags. The following tags are associated with this track: RG, CQ, CS, and MD.

Mapping quality is not available for this track and so, in accordance with the SAM Format Specification, a score of 255 is used.


Sample genomic DNA was isolated, hydrosheared at a given size-range, then ligated with specific DNA linker sequence at both ends, followed by gel-selection of the desired size, e.g., 1 kb, 10 kb, etc. respectively. The DNA fragments modified with linker at both ends (e.g., 10 kb) were then circularized by ligation, followed by restriction digest with enzyme EcoP15I to generate DNA PETs (25 bp tag from each end). The PETs were ligated with SOLiD sequencing adaptors at both ends, then amplified by PCR and purified as complex templates for high throughput DNA sequencing. The current DNA PET data sets submitted are mostly generated by SOLiD platform. Cells were grown according to the approved ENCODE cell culture protocols.

Data: Reads of DNA PETs were mapped onto reference genome, GRCh37, hg19, excluding mitochondrion, haplotypes, randoms and chromosome Y. Majority of the PETs mapped on the same chromosome in correct orientations and within expected distance span (e.g., a 10 kb DNA PET was expected mapping on ~10 kb span distance). A small portion of misaligned PETs, called discordant PETs, mapped either too far from each other, had wrong orientations, or in different chromosomes indicating various genome structure or variations observed between the sample and the reference genome. The variations could be due to deletion, inversion, tandem repeats, trans-location, fusion etc.

Mapping parameters: Mapping was done using Applied Biosystems' SOLiD alignment and pairing pipeline. The ungapped alignment is done in color space. Seed and extend strategy is adopted where initial seed length of 25 is mapped with maximum of 2 mismatches and then extended to read length, each color space match is awarded a score of +1 and each mismatch is awarded a penalty of -2. Read Score = read length - # of mismatches - 2 * # of mismatches After extension each read is trimmed to its maximum score, shortest length. The color space sequences are then converted into base space and checked to ensure that each sequence has a maximum of 2 base pair mismatches. If any sequence has more than 2 mismatches, then that pair is discarded. The final output is converted into SAM/BAM format.


Representative structural variations identified by DNA PET data have been verified by targeted PCR and sequencing analysis to confirm the predicted rearrangement sites. Some of them have also been validated by FISH.


The GIS DNA PET libraries and sequence data for genome structural variation analysis were produced at the Genome Institute of Singapore. The data were mapped and analyzed by scientists Xiaoan Ruan, Atif Shahab, Chialin Wei, and Yijun Ruan at the Genome Institute of Singapore.

Contact: Yijun Ruan (now at The Jackson Laboratory)

Data Release Policy

Data users may freely use ENCODE data, but may not, without prior consent, submit publications that use an unpublished ENCODE dataset until nine months following the release of the dataset. This date is listed in the Restricted Until column, above. The full data release policy for ENCODE is available here.