Schema for Avada Variants - Avada Variants extracted from full text publications
  Database: hg19    Primary Table: avada Data last updated: 2020-04-27
Big Bed File Download: /gbdb/hg19/bbi/
Item Count: 613,524
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Format description: AVADA variant information
chromchr1Chromosome (or contig, scaffold, etc.)
chromStart167368446Start position in chromosome
chromEnd167368447End position in chromosome
nameI421FName of item
score0Score from 0-1000
strand++ or -
thickStart167368446Start of where display should be thick (start codon)
thickEnd167368447End of where display should be thick (stop codon)
reserved0Used as itemRgb as of 2004-11-22
geneSymPOU2F1Gene Symbol
variantI421FVariant as in Paper
ensIdENSG00000143190Gene (Ensembl)
entrezs5451Gene (Entrez)
refSeqNP_001185712.1Transcript (RefSeq)
pmid25398212Pubmed ID
titleGenetic polymorphisms of the organic cation transporter 1 gene (SLC22A1) within the Cape Admixed population of South Africa.Title
authorsDu Plessis, Morne; Pearce, Brendon; Jacobs, Clifford; Hoosain, Nisreen; Benjeddou, MongiAuthors
refMolecular biology reports 2015, 42(3):p. 665-72Reference
abstractHuman organic cation transporter 1 (hOCT1) is expressed primarily in hepatocytes and mediate the electrogenic transport of various endogenous and exogenous compounds, including clinically important drugs. Genetic polymorphisms in the gene coding for hOCT1, SLC22A1, are increasingly being recognized as a possible mechanism explaining the variable response of individual patients to clinical drugs which are substrates for this transporter. The aim of this study was to investigate the allele and genotype frequencies of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of SLC22A1 in the Cape Admixed population of South Africa. The genotypic and allelic distributions of nineteen nonsynonomous and one intronic SLC22A1 SNPs were determined in 100 healthy Cape Admixed participants, using a SNaPshot(®) multiplex assay. In addition, haplotype structure for SLC22A1 was inferred from the genotypic data. The minor allele frequencies for S14F, P341L, S189L, G220V, V519F, M440I, G465R and the rs622342 intronic variant were 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5 and 18.0%, respectively. None of the participants carried the variant allele for R61C, C88R, P283L, R287G and G401S. In addition, no variant alleles were observed for A306T, A413V, M420V, I421F, C436F, V501E, and I542V in the population. Twelve haplotypes were inferred from the genotypic data. The frequencies for most common haplotypes CCTCGGCGCGCTAGAGCTGA, CCTCGGCGCGCTAGCGCTGA and CCTCGGCGCGCGAGCGCTGA were 80, 9.9, and 3.5%, respectively.Abstract
_mouseOverI421F in: Du 2015 - Genetic polymorphisms of the organic cation transporter 1 gene (SLC22A1) within the Cape Admixed population of South Africa.mouse over text

Sample Rows
chr1167368446167368447I421F0+1673684461673684470POU2F1I421FENSG000001431905451NP_001185712.125398212Genetic polymorphisms of the organic cation transporter 1 gene (SLC22A1) within the Cape Admixed population of South Africa.Du Plessis, Morne; Pearce, Brendon; Jacobs, Clifford; Hoosain, Nisreen; Benjeddou, MongiMolecular biology reports 2015, 42(3):p. 665-7210.1007/s11033-014-3813-2Human organic cation transporter 1 (hOCT1) is expressed primarily in hepatocytes and mediate the electrogenic transport of vario ...I421F in: Du 2015 - Genetic polymorphisms of the organic cation transporter 1 gene (SLC22A1) within the Cape Admixed population ...
chr1167370772167370773V501E0+1673707721673707730POU2F1V501EENSG000001431905451NP_001185712.125398212Genetic polymorphisms of the organic cation transporter 1 gene (SLC22A1) within the Cape Admixed population of South Africa.Du Plessis, Morne; Pearce, Brendon; Jacobs, Clifford; Hoosain, Nisreen; Benjeddou, MongiMolecular biology reports 2015, 42(3):p. 665-7210.1007/s11033-014-3813-2Human organic cation transporter 1 (hOCT1) is expressed primarily in hepatocytes and mediate the electrogenic transport of vario ...V501E in: Du 2015 - Genetic polymorphisms of the organic cation transporter 1 gene (SLC22A1) within the Cape Admixed population ...
chr11673887451673887466000T/A0+1673887451673887460POU2F16000T/AENSG000001431905451NM_002697.315786443Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.Taguchi, Keiko; Yamagata, Hidehisa D; Zhong, Wangtao; Kamino, Kouzin; Akatsu, Hiroyasu; Hata, Ryuji; Yamamoto, Takayuki; Kosaka, ...Annals of neurology 2005, 57(4):p. 585-810.1002/ana.20433Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex multifactorial disease in which many genetic and environmental factors are involved. We pe ...6000T/A in: Taguchi 2005 - Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.
chr11673889341673889356000T/A0+1673889341673889350POU2F16000T/AENSG000001431905451NM_001198786.115786443Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.Taguchi, Keiko; Yamagata, Hidehisa D; Zhong, Wangtao; Kamino, Kouzin; Akatsu, Hiroyasu; Hata, Ryuji; Yamamoto, Takayuki; Kosaka, ...Annals of neurology 2005, 57(4):p. 585-810.1002/ana.20433Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex multifactorial disease in which many genetic and environmental factors are involved. We pe ...6000T/A in: Taguchi 2005 - Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.
chr116739526316739526412329A/G0+1673952631673952640POU2F112329A/GENSG000001431905451NM_001198786.115786443Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.Taguchi, Keiko; Yamagata, Hidehisa D; Zhong, Wangtao; Kamino, Kouzin; Akatsu, Hiroyasu; Hata, Ryuji; Yamamoto, Takayuki; Kosaka, ...Annals of neurology 2005, 57(4):p. 585-810.1002/ana.20433Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex multifactorial disease in which many genetic and environmental factors are involved. We pe ...12329A/G in: Taguchi 2005 - Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.
chr116739632816739632913583T/C0+1673963281673963290POU2F113583T/CENSG000001431905451NM_002697.315786443Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.Taguchi, Keiko; Yamagata, Hidehisa D; Zhong, Wangtao; Kamino, Kouzin; Akatsu, Hiroyasu; Hata, Ryuji; Yamamoto, Takayuki; Kosaka, ...Annals of neurology 2005, 57(4):p. 585-810.1002/ana.20433Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex multifactorial disease in which many genetic and environmental factors are involved. We pe ...13583T/C in: Taguchi 2005 - Identification of hippocampus-related candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease.
chr1167402274167402275411insC0-1674022741674022750CD247411insCENSG00000198821919NM_000734.317170122T-B+NK+ severe combined immunodeficiency caused by complete deficiency of the CD3zeta subunit of the T-cell antigen receptor com ...Roberts, Joseph L; Lauritsen, Jens Peter H; Cooney, Myriah; Parrott, Roberta E; Sajaroff, Elisa O; Win, Chan M; Keller, Mich...p ...Blood 2007, 109(8):p. 3198-20610.1182/blood-2006-08-043166CD3zeta is a subunit of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) complex required for its assembly and surface expression that also pla ...411insC in: Roberts 2007 - T-B+NK+ severe combined immunodeficiency caused by complete deficiency of the CD3zeta subunit of the ...
chr1167402276167402277411insC0-1674022761674022770CD247411insCENSG00000198821919NM_198053.217170122T-B+NK+ severe combined immunodeficiency caused by complete deficiency of the CD3zeta subunit of the T-cell antigen receptor com ...Roberts, Joseph L; Lauritsen, Jens Peter H; Cooney, Myriah; Parrott, Roberta E; Sajaroff, Elisa O; Win, Chan M; Keller, Mich...p ...Blood 2007, 109(8):p. 3198-20610.1182/blood-2006-08-043166CD3zeta is a subunit of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) complex required for its assembly and surface expression that also pla ...411insC in: Roberts 2007 - T-B+NK+ severe combined immunodeficiency caused by complete deficiency of the CD3zeta subunit of the ...
chr1167408590167408591Q70L0-1674085901674085910CD247Q70LENSG00000198821919NP_000725.116672702Inherited and somatic CD3zeta mutations in a patient with T-cell deficiency.Rieux-Laucat, Frédéric; Hivroz, Claire; Lim, Annick; Mateo, Véronique; Pellier, Isabelle; Selz, Françoise; Fischer, Alain; Le De ...The New England journal of medicine 2006, 354(18):p. 1913-2110.1056/NEJMoa053750A four-month-old boy with primary immunodeficiency was found to have a homozygous germ-line mutation of the gene encoding the CD ...Q70L in: Rieux-Laucat 2006 - Inherited and somatic CD3zeta mutations in a patient with T-cell deficiency.
chr1167408591167408592Q70X0-1674085911674085920CD247Q70XENSG00000198821919NP_000725.116672702Inherited and somatic CD3zeta mutations in a patient with T-cell deficiency.Rieux-Laucat, Frédéric; Hivroz, Claire; Lim, Annick; Mateo, Véronique; Pellier, Isabelle; Selz, Françoise; Fischer, Alain; Le De ...The New England journal of medicine 2006, 354(18):p. 1913-2110.1056/NEJMoa053750A four-month-old boy with primary immunodeficiency was found to have a homozygous germ-line mutation of the gene encoding the CD ...Q70X in: Rieux-Laucat 2006 - Inherited and somatic CD3zeta mutations in a patient with T-cell deficiency.

Avada Variants (avada) Track Description


This track shows the genomic positions of variants in the AVADA database. AVADA is a database of variants built by a machine learning software that analyzes full text research articles to find the gene mentions in the text that look like they are most relevant for monogenic (non-cancer) genetic diagnosis, finds variant descriptions and uses the genes to map the variants to the genome. For details see the AVADA paper.

As the data is automatically extracted from full-text publications, it includes some false positives. In the original study, out of 200 randomly selected articles, only 99 were considered relevant after manual curation. However, this share is very high compared to the Genomenom track. Ideally, the track is used in combination with variants found in human patients, to find relevant literature, or with Genome Browser tracks of variant databases that curated a single study for each variant, like our tracks for HGMD or LOVD.

Display Conventions and Configuration

Genomic locations of a variants are labeled with the variant description in the original text. This is not a normalized HGVS string, but the original text as the authors of the study described it. The Pubmed ID, gene and transcript for each variant are shown on the variant's details page, as well as the PubMed title, authors, and abstract.

Mouse over the variants to show the gene, variant, first author, year, and title.

The data has been lifted from hg19 to hg38.

Data access

The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, for download, intersection or correlations with other tracks. To join this track with others based on the chromosome positions, use the Data Integrator.

For automated download and analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The file for this track is called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=100000000 stdout

For automated access, this track like all others, is also available via our API. However, for bulk processing in pipelines, downloading the data and/or using bigBed files as described above is usually faster.


The AVADA VCF file was reformatted at UCSC to the bigBed format. The program that performs the conversion is available on Github. The paper reference information was added from MEDLINE and is used Courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, according to its Terms and Conditions.


Thanks to Gill Bejerano and Johannes Birgmeier for making the data available.


Johannes Birgmeier, Cole A. Deisseroth, Laura E. Hayward, Luisa M. T. Galhardo, Andrew P. Tierno, Karthik A. Jagadeesh, Peter D. Stenson, David N. Cooper, Jonathan A. Bernstein, Maximilian Haeussler, and Gill Bejerano. AVADA: Towards Automated Pathogenic Variant Evidence Retrieval Directly from the Full Text Literature. . Genetics in Medicine. 2019. PMID: 31467448